Companies and relationships which VEvents prouds of:
Have you ever imagined that you can make an introduction of your new Students to University’s professors within speed dating format? Aston University did a try and now they opened to themselves a wonderful way to onboard everyone! Within VEvents speed dating platform for students and teachers they organized an event where Students met Professors!…
B-PHOT VUB is a company which specialises on photon studies, researches and education. Together with B-PHOT and Ghent University they organised educational networking event for their students with VEvents platform. Here at VEvents we are happy to be a bridge between openminded students and professionals from B-PHOT. If you are interested in some of our…
We are happy to share that DTM (Deluxe travel market), the company who is in the travel events market for more than 10 years, started to host successful events for Hotels and Travel agencies from around the world at VEvents platform. Since now all our Partners could host an event if you have a list…
Healthy Relationship Initiatives is a company who gathers people in a big groups together and within VEvents help them to share their live experience. Healthy Relationship Initiatives helps to develop and strengthen healthy relationships among youth, single adults and married couples. Their goal is to provide participants with the necessary tools to achieve healthy, solid relationships,…
The very first goal of VEvents was to help to speed dating companies around the Globe to get rid of their handwork and huge manual maintenance which speed dating companies started to experience when they came online. We started small but now we can cover all Partner’s needs: Regular speed dating events; Gay speed dating…
It’s been a while since Vevents started with hosting speed dating events for the usual purpose of speed dating meetings – find love and making families through speed dating concept. But what we discovered is that there are a lot of other companies and purposes of using “speed dating” concept. And business speed dating when…