
Do you want to make even more personalisation of event pages for your Attendees? Feel free to sign up for our ‘White Label’ package which allows you to do branding adjustments so VEvents will look like your brand website. Event link By default we have link like this:… We can change it for you…


JivoChat If you want to have chat support of your Attendees during event it becomes available with Jivo! Here is a steps how to set it up: Get register with Jivo chat – Go to ‘Manage’ and click ‘Settings’ next to channel created Open ‘Installation’ Copy information mentioned at screenshot and share it with…

Attendees user experience

Dear attendees, we at VEvents take care of your best user experience and we build the platform not to overload you with actions during event. So with us you should really do nothing during event. Getting personal links You will receive your personal link via email from us or from Event Organiser. It’s your personal…