Table of Contents
Is there any app that my attendees need to install to join the platform?
No. All video meetings happen right in your attendees’ browser. All they need is to open their personal link to the event and they will join the event automatically.
Which browser should an attendee use?
Preferred browser depends on the device that the attendee uses to join VEvents platform.
- iOS 11 or later – please use Safari 11 or later;
- Android 4.1 or later – please use Google Chrome 58 or later;
- MacOS 10 or later – please use Google Chrome 58 or later, Safari 11 or later, Firefox 56 or later;
- Windows 7 or later – please use Google Chrome 58 or later, Firefox 56 or later.
Which internet connection should attendee have to successfully join one-on-one video chat?
An attendee doesn’t need to have super strong and super fast internet connection. They need to have stable internet connection without dropouts.
Please come in time
We do support latecomers but since our platform is automated it will be waiting for attendees joined at a time which you specified as event start time. There is a gap of 10 minutes maximum for cases when less than 10% of all attendees joined. If at least 10% of attendees didn’t show up event will be canceled automatically in 10 minutes after event start time. This mechanic allows us to keep events in automatic mode and keep same good quality for end attendees.
An attendee can’t see another attendee. What should they do to solve this issue?
The most common case of not seeing others is firewall or Antivirus. Please make sure that there are no firewalls within your attendee internet connection. If this is the case, please switch to another network provider. If you can’t switch to another wi-fi connection you can always switch to 3G, 4G connection from your mobile device which usually doesn’t have such limitations.
You cal also request your IT specialist to open the following ports:
- tcp ports: 80; 443; 3433; 4700 – 5000; 5668; 5669; 6080; 6443; 8667; 9667; 30011 – 30013)
- udp ports: 3478; 4700 – 5000 (2.9.0 or later);
Attendee didn’t give permission to camera and micro when it was requested. How to fix it?
There are two ways to initiate another camera and micro request from your browser:
- Reload browser page;
- Close browser and open VEvents event link once again.
Within these two cases attendee will see another prompt to share access to his camera and micro.
User drops offline
When one attendee closed our event page we show pop up message “(User name) drops offline” to the other attendee who was having a round with the attendee who dropped offline. You can suggest waiting for the next round if you get a request like this.
What if I have unequal number of participants at the event?
When you have a speed dating event via our online software you will divide Attendees to two opposite groups so they meet each other. You can divide them by gender, or as buyers and suppliers, or as Group A and Group B.
For all the cases the usual situation is when one of the groups has more people.
In such cases your Attendees will see a Waiting room screen for rounds when they have no one to date with.
We show simple game by default at waiting room like 2048, Tetris, etc. But we can also show Youtube promotional video which can show some of your special offers, and tells to participant about you or your partners. (this can be enabled for you by request)
Your stream is successfully published. Waiting for (User name).
This massage is shown during a round to those users who doesn’t have any issues with connection but whose datemate is still connecting. It may happen for a number of reasons:
- Slow and unstable internet connection
- internet connection drops very often
- user was joining but changed their mind during connection and dropped offline
Your browser is not supported, please try to switch to another browser or use another device.
Preferred browser depends on the device that an attendee uses to join VEvents platform.
Suggested operation systems with browsers:
- iOS 11 or later – please use Safari 11 or later;
- Android 4.1 or later – please use Google Chrome 58 or later;
- MacOS 10 or later – please use Google Chrome 58 or later, Safari 11 or later, Firefox 56 or later;
- Windows 7 or later – please use Google Chrome 58 or later, Firefox 56 or later.
How the whole user experience at the event looks like
Please follow this link to see all steps your attendees will walk through with us:
Email automation: personal links to join an event
Email automation is disabled by default for all Organisers. This has been done to avoid situations when new Organisers enters fake emails which leads our emails more likely will be sent to Junk for real recipients.
If you don’t have an access to email page: please let us know that you wish to enable email automation for your account (just drop us a message in live chat here at the bottom right corner or drop an email to
Logic behind email automation.
We send 2 email reminders to your participants. Both these email reminders have participants’ personal links.
- First email reminders will be sent by us 24 hours before event start time;
- Second email reminder will be sent by us 1 hour before event start time.
- If you added participant to your event 24 hours and 1 minute before event start time – we will schedule 2 email to this participant: 24 hours reminder + 1 hour reminder;
- If you added participant to your event 23 hours and 59 minutes before event start time – we will schedule 1 email to this participant: 1 hour reminder;
- If you added participant to your event 59 minutes before event start time – we will not sent any email reminder to this participant so you need manually send them personal links.
Email automation: match emails
If you have enabled match buttons within your event (this feature is enabled for all organisers by default) and you have enabled email automation (this enables by request, please see previous chapter of this FAQ) – VEvents will send match emails to your participants automatically.
When email will be sent:
- Participants should have mutual match.
Mutual match = Participant#1 clicked match button when he/she had a round with Participant#2 and Participant#2 clicked match when he/she had a round with Participant#1. - Both participants confirmed their matches on the last page of the event which we call “Confirmation page”.
- 10 minutes after event was finished VEvents will send match email if conditions above were met.
Is it possible to change background/text color/ button color/wordings on the platform?
Sure thing! Here at VEvents we understand that you want to be unique and your business needs to be recognised from the very first iteration with it.
This opportunity comes with Customisation package which is available for each organiser Upgrade page within admin panel.
Just log in to your account and visit: this page, choose Customization package and get the best branding opportunity.
How to add a YouTube link to one of the rounds at the pre-scheduled platform?
Just pick the link below as a template.
This link consist of link as itself + video id. Video id in this case is 57mwzquPsdA
What you need to do is basically take this part of the link: “” than add your video ID which you wish to play in the round and add “?autoplay=1” parameter back.
Let’s imagine that your youtube video id is “123456”. So in this case your link should look like:
After you created your link – just insert it in the round you wish to create and walk through all Round creation processes: